
Overcoming Sketchbook Intimidation

Do sketchbooks intimidate you like they intimidate me?

Sketchbooks are beautiful, bound bundles of creative potential.  However, somedays, they can evoke feelings of trepidation rather than inspiration. Do you ever find yourself staring at the pristine pages, afraid to make that first mark? Do you, like me, have ambitious dreams of filling its pages with your true creative self? Then find yourself frozen when faced with the first stroke?

I have a love-hate relationship with sketchbooks. On one hand, I adore them. They represent possibility, growth, and artistic expression. Each new sketchbook feels like a fresh start, a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a sweet little gem. But on the other hand, they terrify me. What if the first drawing is awful? What if the first drawing sets the tone for the entire book?

Sound familiar?

I can’t count the number of times I’ve bought a new sketchbook with grand intentions, only to let it gather dust on my shelf because I was too afraid to begin. The struggle is real.

But I HAVE to draw. Without it, I find that my mood slips, and grumpiness sets in. So, what do I do about it?

Some days, I muster up the courage to say “screw it” and dive in headfirst. Other days, I let the fear win, and the sketchbook remains untouched. Today was one of those days. I received a stack of sketchbooks for Christmas (seriously, the best gift idea for an artist), and yet, there they sat on my shelf, mocking me with their pristine-full-of-potential- pages.

But. I needed to draw! The urge is so powerful some days.  So, I made a choice. I set aside the new sketchbooks and reached for something familiar: plain old printer paper.

With no fear of ruining a perfect sketchbook, I folded the paper in quarters and began sketching. And you know what? It was so freeing!  There was no pressure, no expectation—just me, my pencil, and a plain old sheet of paper. I was able to draw a handful of fruit bowls that have been lingering around in my head. I even liked a lot of them! 

At some point during drawing, I  decided to document the process with a video. As soon as I pressed the record button, I felt nervous. I was nervous in the same way I am nervous about new sketchbooks. Of course the video captures some of my least favorite drawings from the day. But you know what else it captures? The satisfaction of overcoming fear, and the simple pleasure of putting pencil to paper.

I hope you enjoy this process video and the photos of all the drawings from the day. I do plan on spending more time with these drawings and developing them into something more than meer pencil sketches.

How do you all get started in new sketchbooks? Is it easy for you? How do you approach that first blank page? Please comment with any tips or tricks that you use!

Don’t know what to draw?

Inspiration can strike from anywhere, even during your daily stroll!

Since I have been drawing daily in my sketchbook, I often find myself wondering what to draw. Lately, I have begun to photograph anything and everything that sparks my interest. Whenever that little voice speaks to me, I pull out my camera and take the photo without overthinking about the why. Then when I am home later in the day, I have a collection of resource photos to draw from. Of course, I don’t draw everything I photograph, but it’s nice always to have something on hand to draw from. Plus, it’s a great way to build a collection of resource photos to draw from that have meaning and a personal connection to you.

Here is an example of a quick sketchbook drawing of a super cute and derpy cat I saw while on a neighborhood stroll. Inspiration can also strike within the home, so if I see something that sparks my interest but don’t have the time to draw at that moment, I’ll photograph it for later.

Update 2023

Hello there! it has been A WHILE! Things have been busy around these parts. My family and I moved continents earlier this year. We traded in the warm tropical weather of Singapore for the windy maritime weather of The Netherlands. We are all adjusting, although summers here are proving to be amazing! I hadn’t realized how much I had missed seasons while living in Singapore. It’s always summer in Singapore. Oftentimes, people describe Singapore weather as hot, hotter, and hottest. Anyways, enough about the weather!

Settling into a new country takes some time. So much to learn all at once learning a new language, grocery shopping in a foreign country, and bicycle riding rules and etiquette. The Dutch language is proving to be challenging to learn, but I am enjoying the process and reminding myself that it will take time. I am learning to just go for it, to speak out loud, and learn from my many many mistakes. One thing I have learned from living overseas these last 5 years is how much it challenges me and helps me to grow and learn. Here’s to personal growth!

While we have been settling in, I have been continuing my creative practice. Inspired by a new environment, new climate, and new customs, has led me to rediscover my sketchbook. For the last few years, I have been creating mostly with Procreate (which I love!), but since the move, I have reconnected with real pens and pencils on real paper and I find the whole process extremely satisfying. I have also adjusted my mindset while sketching. I no longer berate myself for terrible drawings, instead, I laugh at myself and wonder how I could do better, and then I try and do better! I also no longer let myself be afraid to draw something. If it scares me (I’m talking to you people and faces), I must draw it. I desperately want to get better at my craft and I can’t improve if I am avoiding what scares me. I am just enjoying the process and feeling happy to be making.

Thanks for reading this far! Below are some photos from my first couple of sketchbooks while living in The Netherlands. At first, I chose a small sketchbook as it felt less intimidating and precious, but as I drew more and more I took the plunge and got a larger one.

Take a look. Hope you enjoy.


I save most of my doodles and sketches, even if I don't care much for them. Oftentimes I can look back at them and find some part of them that I like.  When I do, I tend to cut that part out and save it, while chucking the rest.  Here is a collection of some of the good parts I have saved over the last few months.

I like the gather a small collection and make myself a mood board and pull from the good parts of these bad paintings. This oftentimes inspires me to set out on a new painting adventure!



My kids are always asking me what my favorite colours are. It’s a big big deal to them. I guess their favorite color provides them with some sense of identity. They wear it like a badge of honor.

It took me a minute to answer. I mean I have favourite colours for different aspects of my life, but when I took an inventory of my artwork, two colors stood out the most: yellow ochre and Holbein’s Shell Pink.

What are your favorite colours to create in? Are they different from the colors of the clothes you wear? I skew towards black for most of my clothes, but the idea of painting in black seems terrifying to me. The idea of wearing yellow ochre and pink also terrifies me. It’s curious how colors playsuch a different roles in one’s life.

Anyways, I decided to quickly document my current favourite colours with these quick pencil and gouache drawings in my sketchbook.
