

What is not to love about that deliciously pink eraser that tops one of my favourite art supplies, the pencil?

Here is an illustration showing a collection of pencil eraser tops in various stages of use. I had a lot of fun drawing the wonky pink shapes and then covering the perfectly pink erasers with the grey graphite smudges. It’s a nice reminder that there is beauty in your mistakes. It’s how we learn! This illustration also serves as a reminder for me to stop and take a closer look at the little things in life. It’s nice to note the differences.

At the moment, I find myself drawn to these pencils. Sadly they are not reusable and I will eventually work thru them and my conscious won’t let me reorder a box, but I am enjoying them while I have them and not letting them go to waste. Seeing them all aligned in a row is what inspired me to take a closer look at eraser tops. I oftentimes use up the eraser before the lead which is frustrating to be honest. It seems like shorter pencils need to be made or longer erasers are needed. I guess there is physics involved that prevents my dream pencil from coming true.